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Crystal Energy Body Healing Therapy


Crystal Healing is an ancient holistic energy healing treatment that utilises the power of Crystals to improve our health and wellbeing. It works to restore balance on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.

With the level of stress from our busy lives our energy is drained everyday making us out of balance and feeling depressed, tired, out of focus and completely disconnected from ourselves.

The aim is to balance energies, reconnect and be more grounded.

Crystals have their own energy, that energy is called Piezoelectric energy. They are even used in modern technologies like watches, computers and phones.

When our energy is in low frequency, we are more vulnerable to all the negative energy that surrounds us, either from people, life events or just work. The purpose of the Crystal is to balance and restore your energy level to a higher and more positive energy that will make you stronger at all levels.

We recommend the use of Crystals at all times; this will help and enhance the treatment results and your daily life in a more positive way.

Preparing for your treatment:

When booking your appointment please book it on a day that you can relax after. Make people around you know that will have this treatment and that you need to rest and have some time for yourself. Drink plenty of water, have a balanced meal, avoid smoking straight after the treatment, avoid alcohol and have plenty of rest. 

Treatment options:

Chakra balancing only: £30

Chakra balancing and healing: £120